How To Use The Connecticut Bank Rate Recap

How to use CBRR


Deposit accounts are divided into two sections, one for fixed rate certificates of deposit (CD’s) and the other for liquid accounts (savings, money market and NOW/interest bearing checking accounts.) Separate tabbed sheets include samplings of "Premium Rate" CD's and CD's with non-standard maturities (4, 5, 7 months etc.)

Interest Rates and Yields
Interest rates are expressed as an annual percentage rate. Yields are annual percentage yields (APY's) based on all principal and interest remaining on deposit at the stated annual interest rate for a full year. Rates and APY's are rounded to 2 decimal places.

Minimum Deposit Account Requirements
Most CD's quoted are for a $1,000 minimum deposit unless otherwise noted. Savings and Money Market minimums are noted at the head of each column. Minimums to avoid fees on Savings and Money Market accounts vary and may not match the minimum opening balance. Check with the financial institution.

Personal and Business use
Accounts surveyed are personal accounts. Please check with the individual financial institution for rates and maturities.

Some banks accept deposits only from customers who live or work in the market areas served by their branch network. In addition, credit union rates are only available to credit union members. Call or visit the credit union web site for membership requirements.

Business use of certain savings, money market or NOW accounts is often restricted or unavailable. Please call the individual financial institution.

Survey Summaries
At the end of the CD and Liquid Accounts sections are rows that summarize the survey findings for the week just completed.

Please Note For Deposit Account Rates:


Rates and APY's quoted are those given to Connecticut Bank Rate Recap during the week of the survey by the financial institution listed. Deposit interest rates are deregulated and subject to change without notice! Connecticut Bank Rate Recap is not responsible for the accuracy of the rates listed. Please call the financial institution to confirm the accuracy and availability of rates and yields as well as minimum deposit requirments. CD’s usually are subject to substantial penalties for premature withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings on accounts. Connecticut Bank Rate Recap makes no recommendations regarding account types or individual financial institutions or any representation as to the safety or soundness of the financial institutions surveyed.

Please Note For Loan Rates:
Rates and points quoted are those reported to Connecticut Bank Rate Recap during the week of the survey by the financial institution listed. Many interest rates, annual percentage rates (APR's) and terms are reviewed by financial institutions daily and are subject to change without notice! Connecticut Bank Rate Recap is not responsible for the accuracy of rates listed. Please call the financial institution to confirm accuracy and availability of loan rates and terms. Many loan products are available only to residents of specific geographic areas served by a financial institution's branch network. Connecticut Bank Rate Recap makes no recommendations regarding specific loan products, individual financial institutions or any representation as to the safety or soundness of the financial institutions surveyed.